Valve Working Group meet at Severn Glocon

Published: 17th November 2016 | Issue 39 Share article:

The September meeting of BVAA’s largest technical group was kindly hosted by Barry Wilder of Severn Glocon, at the company’s hugely impressive Gloucester facility.

VWG members received a pre-meeting presentation from Ron Baker (Sales Director) on the Severn Group’s companies and wide variety of activities. A group safety moment featured, and after an extensive agenda of topics, the day concluded with a very interesting facility tour.

Topics covered at the meeting included – among others - BSI, ISO and CEN standards development, sub-WG reports, API activity, and the new-fangled topic of ‘Brexit’ – more on which no doubt to come as the impact begins to bite.

To join the VWG or indeed any BVAA interest group, contact

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