Some cool uses for Solenoid Valves

Published: 7th March 2014 | Issue 28 Share article:

Zoedale Plc has been selling Solenoid Valves since 1976 and has seen them used in some obscure and interesting applications. The valves have been used in everything from toilet flushing to aerospace. To illustrate this point the Bedford based supplier has produced this list of ten interesting uses for solenoid valves:

1. Special Effects. Solenoid valves are used in theatres & sports stadiums to release cryogenic carbon dioxide to produce low lying “smoke”

2. Drinks Dispensing. Ever wondered how the bar staff at Twickenham pour a measured pint or how coffee machines never overflow the cup? Yes, solenoid valves are used in these drinks dispensing machines.

3. Gas Analysers. Manufacturers like Jaguar Landrover, Cosworth and others are using them to check and analyse gas content at their production sites.

4. Urinal Flushing. Men, look up next time you are answering a call of nature. It’s likely you will see one controlling the flushing of a urinal toilet.

5. Aircraft De Icing. Some air craft use solenoid valves to de-ice their windscreens, it’s important the pilot can see where he / she is flying!

6. Art Installations. Various art installations have used them on robotic models and the Barbican Centre in London needed 30 solenoid valves for their popular “Rain Room”.

7. Large Hadron Collider. There are a number of solenoid valves in use here; we’re not sure what for as it is classified!

8. Military Air Ship. Believe it or not, there are several in use on the US Army’s Long Endurance MultiIntelligence Vehicle (LEMV) which is an Airship that first flew on 7th August 2012.

9. Automatic Irrigation Sprinklers. Think Golf Courses and public gardens.

10. Automotive, Aerospace and Space Fuel Injection. A research group at the University of Leeds investigated the physics of the Bombardier Beetle’s internal chamber and spray mechanism for commercial use. You guessed it, solenoid valves were used in the product design. This system can be used for fuel injection within the automotive, aviation, spacecraft industries as well as having the potential for many other spray applications such as drug delivery, household, products, fire control, etc.

Some interesting applications here, I hope you agree.

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