Peter Burnett: Valve WG Chairman

Published: 17th November 2016 | Issue 39 Share article:

The Valve Working Group at Severn Glocon was also the last chaired by Peter Burnett (Heap & Partners). Peter took over the group on Geoff Newman’s retirement in 2012 as a temporary measure and was persuaded to remain in post for 4½ years.

A strong advocate of adding value, Peter instigated a number of considerable changes in his tenure, including taking the group ‘on the road’ visiting many interesting industrial facilities, and the introduction of the popular pre-meeting social event. He also enthusiastically supported the introduction of the Technical Expert Groups concept (life limited task groups).

A small presentation was made to Peter on members’ behalf by BVAA Director Rob Bartlett, and we are pleased to report Peter will be staying on as a valued member of the VWG.

Taking over the VWG reins from March 2017 with be Chris Williamson (BEL Valves) and the next meeting will take place at the new BEL facility on 8th March 2017.

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