Don’t Fail to Prepare...

Benjamin Franklin: ‘Don’t fail to prepare, or you are preparing to fail ’

Published: 30th May 2019 | Issue 49 Share article:

Preparation is always key and the best way to prepare is to access all the knowledge available in a given field. It is therefore imperative that any relevant training and support is implemented and delivered to the workforce.

Training and continued professional development benefit not only the employee but also the employer. For the employees it helps ensure their knowledge and skills are up-to-date. It also aims to ensure that their performance is either significantly advanced or maintained at an optimum level.

Whilst failure is often inevitable in certain situations it can have a negative impact on productivity. Failure distorts an individual’s perception of their abilities. Once a person fails, they are likely to reassess their skills, intelligence, and capabilities incorrectly and see them as significantly weaker than they actually are.

It is therefore extremely important to ensure failure isn’t an option particularly as an employer. By nurturing staff, it ensures they are in the correct mindset and therefore this ensures that standards across the company are high and consistent. It also promotes greater work engagement from the workforce and general commitment to job roles maximising staff potential, improves staff moral and provides a useful benchmark for annual appraisals.

For employees, it contributes to their professional sense of direction, helping to build confidence and credibility, allowing them to showcase their achievements and equipping them with tools to cope positively with change.

Training is beneficial for employees’ career progression and advancement.

Not sure where to start?

The BVAA offers training programs providing a platform to learn everything there is to know about valves and actuators from beginners up to advanced levels and at heavily discounted prices for members. Contact the BVAA to find out more on:- 01295 221 270.

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