Hot Spot Second Edition of API 6AF3 HPHT Flange Design Published

Published: 3rd June 2024 | Issue 92 Share article:

What is it?

API have announced that the second edition of API TR 6AF3 High-pressure High-temperature (HPHT) Flange Design Methodology Recommended Practice has now been published and will shortly be available to purchase from the usual outlets.

Why is it Important?

The scope of this document is to provide design guidelines for the important API 6BX style flanges used as end and outlet connectors in high-pressure, high-temperature (HPHT) surface and subsea applications. HPHT applications relate to flanges assigned a temperature rating greater than 350 °F or a pressure rating greater than 15,000 psi. Service temperature ratings above 550 °F (288 °C) are outside the scope of this document.

This code of practice is a useful reference for any BVAA member designing products to API 6A with 6BX flanges for HPHT applications.


API TR 6AF3 first edition.

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