Hot Spot CD Ballot of ISO 4126-11 Performance Testing of Safety Devices

Published: 29th July 2024 | Issue 94 Share article:

What is it?

ISO/CD 4126-11 Performance testing is a new publication in the ISO 4126 family of standards covering safety devices for protection against excessive pressure and it has now been published for ballot at the committee draft stage. The draft document covers test procedures for type testing of safety valves, pilot operated safety valves, controlled pressure protection systems, bursting disc devices and combinations of these. It also specifies the general requirements for test rigs and instrumentation.

The CD draft standard is attached for information as well as the ISO comment template to be used to submit comments to BSI, the closing date for comments to BSI committee PSE18/06 is 22/08/24.

The BVAA does not currently have a TEG for safety devices, therefore we request that any members who wish to comment please provide a copy to the BVAA secretariat prior to this date to allow us to include your comments in a BVAA member submission to be considered by BSI PSE 18/06 for submission to ISO.

Why is it Important?

Currently the type testing requirements of safety devices for protection against excessive pressure are not concisely specified in a single international standard despite the need for all products to undergo these tests to meet the requirements of various markets. This standard is also being developed by ISO under the Vienna agreement and so an EN version of the standard will be published and likely adopted as a harmonised standard under the PED and a designated standard under the PE(S)R.

This new standard is at the early committee draft stage of its development therefore it represents an opportunity for BVAA members to comment and influence its requirements in this important safety critical area of performance.


No current ISO standard

Continuous Improvement - Did we miss anything?

Hot Spots are intended to alert members and provide a brief overview of new standards, activities or procedures that are being introduced in the industry. If there is key information missing that would be helpful, please let us know so that we can improve our future service.

Please Note: This Hotspot is for information purposes, and we invite comments from BVAA members only. Please also note that at time of publication ballots may be closed. For more information, please contact the Secretariat.

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