VALVE WORLD EXPO: Fit for the digital age

Published: 29th August 2024 | Issue 95 Share article:

Digital automation helps production run smoothly, precisely, reliably, and protects against unexpected system downtime. This also means that it significantly enhances the competitiveness of the user and helps conserve resources. Data is becoming the new currency of economy and ecology, especially in challenging times like these. 


Sensors and measurement technologies collect data from valves and actuators, which is then evaluated to answer the question of whether an automated process is running efficiently. For example, actuators automatically collect and store process data such as valve position, valve operations, ambient temperature and vibration. The digitally recorded data allows the plant operator to identify where maintenance is required. Corrective measures can be initiated in good time, avoiding unexpected breakdowns. 


Big things in store for the industry

However, digitally driven automation doesn’t only lead to optimised processes, reduced material usage and energy savings; it is also a promising strategy to combat the increasing shortage of skilled labour. From this point of view, the valve industry is providing valuable services, as it makes plant operators fit for the digital age. 


But digitalisation is by no means the final chapter in the development of automation. In the future, artificial intelligence will have an increasing impact on processes. It will control systems, without human decision. Machines reacting to machines. There are exciting times ahead for plant operators and the valve industry! 


Explore the trends and highlights from the valve sector at VALVE WORLD EXPO from 3 to 5 December 2024 in Düsseldorf. Find the latest industry news and product information on the Internet portal at

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