EN 14341:2006 “Industrial valves - Steel check valves"

Published: 3rd December 2012 | Issue 23 Share article:

was submitted to the CEN systematic review in 2011. Following the results of the review, CEN/ TC 69 requested its secretariat to launch a resolution for the revision of EN 14341:2006. A vote on the resolution was launched among member countries.

The result of the voting is that the resolution is not approved since less than 5 countries committed themselves to participate in this revision, in which case EN 14341:2006 will have to be confirmed unchanged. In this case, its reference may be taken out of the OJEU and the standard will no longer give presumption of conformity to PED.

The final decision on this issue will be taken during the next plenary meeting of CEN/TC 69 on 12 June 2012.

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