Open Day celebrates official opening of new Rotork manufacturing facility in Leeds
Published: 18th November 2014 | Issue 31 |
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Top: Rotork’s new £8 million manufacturing facility in Brown Lane West, Leeds Bottom: Assisted by Rotork Chairman Roger Lockwood, Rotork Chief Executive Peter France addressed employees and guests and performed the ribbon-cutting ceremony marking the official opening of the new Rotork manufacturing facility at Leeds.

As a Rotork Centre of Excellence, the Leeds facility offers complete valve solutions
An Open Day for customers and suppliers on 19th September celebrated the opening of the new 7,450 m² manufacturing and operation centre for Rotork UK in Leeds. The new £8 million facility was officially opened by Rotork Chief Executive Peter France and Chairman Roger Lockwood.Guests enjoyed a buffet lunch, followed by the official ‘Ribbon Cutting’ and factory tours encompassing the Demo/Training Room, showcasing the entire Rotork product range. On the shop floor were Gears, Fluid Systems and Skilmatic stations, showcasing products manufactured at Leeds, and the Rotork UK station, showcasing Rotork UK capabilities. Rotork UK is active in all industry sectors including the power, water and chemical industries. The Leeds facility supplies actuation solutions and service support to companies throughout the UK and Ireland, providing sales and customer support operations for Rotork Controls, Rotork Gears and Rotork Fluid Systems. The centre also houses Rotork Site Services, providing 24/7 support of companies and industries throughout the UK. As a Rotork Centre of Excellence (providing best practices, research, support and training), the Leeds facility offers complete valve solutions. The dedicated team is trained and qualified to serve customers with custom-engineered solutions and complete project management – from contract award through assembly, test and inspection, to installation, commissioning and finally service, preventative maintenance and life of plant support.