Business Development Group Report

‘I Love it When a Plan Comes Together’

Published: 26th March 2018 | Issue 44 Share article:

Tim Guest, Business Development Group Chairman

Tim Guest, Business Development Group Chairman

Foster Wheeler Desktop Exhibition 2017

Foster Wheeler Desktop Exhibition 2017

AMEC Desktop Exhibition Annan House

AMEC Desktop Exhibition Annan House

Fluor Desktop Exhibition 2017

Fluor Desktop Exhibition 2017

Supplier Day & Regional Dinner 2018

Supplier Day & Regional Dinner 2018

Admittedly the catchphrase of Hannibal (Smith, he of the ‘A-Team,’ not the Elephants) but 2017/18 really was a very rewarding time for the BVAA’s Business Development (BD) activities, as so much of what we planned did indeed come to fruition.

Last year, we announced the appointment of Rob Boycott as BVAA’s BD professional. After several months of laying down a firm foundation, knocking on doors and putting the case for BVAA, we were delighted when Rob was able to deliver opportunities for members through a significant uplift in the number of Desktop Exhibitions.

As 2017 progressed we held Desktop events in June in Aberdeen, firstly at Petrofac, then Amec City View and Amec Annan House.

We also went on to organise events in September at Fluor Farnborough, and immediately afterwards at Amec FosterWheeler’s site in Reading. In October it was CB&I’s turn in London.

On 13th March we visited Apache, on the 14th EnQuest, both in Aberdeen, and on 22nd a BVAA huge contingent exhibited at KBR in Leatherhead.

All told, we calculate a potential 5000 interactions between customers and suppliers were made possible – a staggering success for Rob and his support team at the BVAA.

Another significant outcome is the warm relationships we are now enjoying as a result of the regular dialogue with EPCs and major customers, leading to co-operation in other areas.

Supplier Day at Brighouse
Following a similar concept, at least for the exhibition element, the BVAA Supplier Day in February was a tremendous success too, despite the British weather’s best attempt at interfering with it with an impromptu blizzard. Aimed mainly at supporting our Supplier-members, the event actually has a double benefit, as indeed suppliers to the industry can find new outlets for their products and services, but also our major OEMs get a chance to meet with dozens of potential new suppliers in just a few hours, with a view to widening their options and seeking alternatives. The ‘speed date’ element is unique in the valve industry and facilitated nearly 100 such interactions in just one morning and got a ‘100% Excellent’ rating in feedback.

Regional Dinner
The night before the Supplier Day is traditionally the ‘BVAA Regional Dinner.’ Although covered in more depth in the BVAA section at the front of this magazine, it is worth noting that this Networking event is the single largest gathering of BVAA members annually, and continues to be a thoroughly well supported and enjoyed event. The addition of Simon Weston as Guest Speaker was a masterstroke leading to some excellent feedback (‘94% Excellent’ rating).

BVAA Websites
BVAA now operates three different websites which are doing completely different jobs for the Association and its stakeholders. remains the main BVAA-focussed website, hosting all the traditional information and services – and much more - that you might expect from a trade body, including membership listings, product search facilities, publications and the like. is the homepage for the BVAA magazine, and hosts all of the material ever created for the magazine since its inception, some 44 issues ago! The mass of articles now runs into thousands and once an article appears in the magazine, it stays on the website forever. It is developing into a major resource for the industry and is a huge draw for our customer base. is a direct replacement for the BVAA DVD which contained members’ brochures and catalogues, with the added benefit of including all the BVAA literature, Directives Guides, etc. previously circulated on the DVD.

Oxford Economics Market Forecast
2017 was the first year for our successor to the EIF Global Valve Market Forecast and its different approach – based on verifiable national statistics data – generated some quite different results. Various improvements and changes have been proposed and we wait in anticipation the 2018 iteration, to be launched at the BVAA Conference, which will include the global data set, the Global Report pdf and the UK Focus.

Protel Project Tracking Tool
In 2017 we continued to work with the Project Tracking specialists, Protel. Theirs’s is a unique data visualisation tool, which shows how many process projects, at what value, have been signed off in any single or combined-set of geographical areas, over a specifiable period.

Sometimes the value in a ‘free to subscribe’ service is misinterpreted as ‘worthless,’ but we trust more BVAA Members will eventually cotton on to what a powerful tool this can be, particularly in helping make BD decisions and the assistance it gives members’ sales teams in deciding what sectors and locations in UK and Ireland to focus upon.

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