James Walker protecting staff

҅James Walker taking time to think about others in their local community҆

Published: 12th May 2020 | Issue 53 Share article:

At the James Walker manufacturing plant at Cockermouth in Cumbria it was discovered that there was more than enough FFP3 compliant face masks to protect their own employees, so they passed-on the surplus stock to the local community health workers to help keep them safe as they carry out their critical duties.

In addition to the prevision of these masks one of the employees at Cockermouth, Janice Murphy, noticed a Facebook request for help from Allisons, a local community pharmacy, who wanted to erect a screen to help protect their employees when serving the public. James Walker have a small stock of Perspex sheets so Janice took the initiative to see whether we could support this local business and arranged for it to be cut down to the required size. Allisons collected it and were absolutely delighted with James Walker’s response.

Excellent examples of the team not only ‘doing their day job’ with all their usual professionalism and care but also going over and above what is required and taking time to think about others in their local community. ҅James Walker taking time to think about others in their local community҆

Tel: 01270 536 000
Email: sales@jameswalker.biz
Web: www.jameswalker.biz

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