Hot Spot - ISO/ DIS 5640 Ballot on PSE/18/5 22 0003, Industrial valves - Mounting kits for part-turn valve actuator attachment

Published: 27th January 2022 | Issue 70 Share article:

What is it?

The attached draft standard ISO / DIS 5640 “Mounting kits for part-turn valve actuator attachment” has been published for DIS ballot. This new standard is based upon the CEN standard EN 15081:2007 and developed in ISO/TC 153/WG 1.

The attached latest draft of the document provides requirements for metallic mounting kits for part-turn on-off valves and actuator attachments to enable safe and reliable operation. It includes all components transmitting torque from actuator to valve with a maximum flange torque up to 16 000 Nm (up to F30 flange type). It applies to part-turn valves and actuators having attachment flanges and drive components as described in ISO 5211, including recommendations and methods for design and environmental corrosion protection.

If you have any comments on this latest DIS document, then please submit them to the BVAA secretariat by 25th February 2022 so that they can be reviewed by PSE/018/05 as part of the UK comments to the ISO working group.

Why is it Important?

All companies currently involved in the specification and supply of part turn actuators, valves, or actuated valve packages according to ISO standards are likely to be affected by this new standard.

International standards e.g. ISO 5211 and ISO 12490, as well as current international standard projects, show clearly that the well-established European standard EN 15081 should become an international standard.

Due to the lack of an ISO standard for mounting kits, several industries have started to quote and duplicate the contents of EN 15081 since there is no ISO standard for mounting kits yet. The content of EN 15081 is frequently copied into normative and informative annexes of international standards therefore, an international standard based on EN 15081 would ensure a single set of requirements are widely specified to the benefit of all parties involved.

EN 15081:2007 is itself 13 years old and acceptance of this work item will provide an opportunity to update the standard and align it with ISO 22153, ISO 12490 which have been published subsequently, as well as other ISO standards currently in development.

The BVAA was very active in providing 19 comments that were submitted by BSI to the ISO working group as a result of the CD ballot process in March 2021. All of these comments were accepted by the working group and incorporated into the revised DIS draft that has now been published for the next voting stage. It is important that the BVAA continue to be active in the development of this standard to ensure that it meets the needs of the many members who will be affected by its final publication.

Continuous Improvement - Did we miss anything?

Hot Spots are intended to alert members and provide a brief overview of new standards, activities or procedures that are being introduced in the industry. If there is key information missing that would be helpful, please let us know so that we can improve our future service.

Please Note: This Hotspot is for information purposes, and we invite comments from BVAA members only. Please also note that at time of publication ballots may be closed. For more information, please contact the Secretariat.

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