BVAA at Valve World Expo

Hall 1, Stand D31

Published: 2nd September 2024 | Issue 95 Share article:

BVAA’s CEO Rob Bartlett writes…

December will soon be upon us, and one of the highlights of our Association’s year will again be the Valve World Expo at the Messe in Dusseldorf (3rd~5th December 2024).

BVAA has been a regular participant since Valve World was first conceived, and after the transformative move to Messe Dusseldorf we’ve been pleased to bring a number of British companies together to participate in the very lively BVAA Group Stand.

Although globally the valves industry is huge, compared to other industries like automotive or IT, we are not large enough to justify industry-specific shows in every country – it just doesn’t make financial sense.  However, when there’s an exhibition of this quality, in such a convenient place, and with the world’s best companies in attendance… well, participation is just a no-brainer!

The Messe runs a terrific event, and have also been particularly supportive of our participation over many years.  Their generous sponsoring of the British Reception on the first evening is definitely the highlight of the week for many.

It’s been a challenging few years for all exhibitions in the post-Covid era – I think we too easily forget how devastating this global crisis was and how its many impacts lingered.  Layered on top of that was the brutal cause of the global energy crisis, and for us Brits the added complication of Brexit, too.

However, no-one is going to explore new markets, meet new and potentially lucrative customers, by sitting back at home with their slippers on, waiting for it to miraculously materialize in our laps!  It’s time to get out there in the world, clink glasses with new and old friends alike, and get ourselves back into the exhibitions groove.  Personally, I can’t wait!

This year, the member companies exhibiting on our Group Stand will be:

  • AllValves Online
  • Cross Manufacturing
  • Clifford Springs
  • M Seals
  • AV Actuators
  • YPS Langley Valves

Be sure to pop along to our stand, Hall 1, D31 and say hello.

Visit: Valve World Expo

The BVAA team at Valve World 2022 - and ready for 2024!

The BVAA team at Valve World 2022 - and ready for 2024!

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