Your Valve User

Published: 25th September 2009 | Issue 7 Share article:

by BVAA Director, Rob Bartlett

by BVAA Director, Rob Bartlett

Welcome to Issue 7 of BVAA’s ‘award winning’ Valve User magazine! Right now we are in celebratory mood at BVAA HQ, as we have just recruited our 100th member - a significant milestone in our ongoing redevelopment.

As well as the usual exciting mix of new products announcements, industry news, application stories etc., this issue also includes, in the centre section, our latest Annual Review - a summary of just a few of BVAA’s highlights in the previous twelve months.

A reminder too that this magazine is intended to be a forum for users of valves and actuators, and we would welcome your views on all matters affecting the industry. For example, this issue includes a ‘Your VU’ piece from John Kett on the controversial subject of valve repair - a topic on many people’s lips at the moment. Valve users - don’t be shy, let us know what you really think!

Also enclosed is a floor plan for the forthcoming Valve Word exhibition in Maastricht, November 4th~6th. We have highlighted all the BVAA members’ stands, and included contact details for all our members - we hope you find it useful, and we hope to see you there!

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