Score Group Apprentice Lecture
‘BVAA – The Voice of the British Valve Industry’

BVAA’s Rob Bartlett at Score
What may sound to some like a rather ‘dry’ subject was transformed by Rob into a very interesting and valuable insight into the importance of this trade association for its member companies.
From small-scale beginnings around the outset of World War 2, the BVAA has evolved into an influential organisation based at Banbury, Oxfordshire, which represents the interests of UK companies associated with valves, including Score.
Prior to 2003 the BVAA’s members were nearly all valve manufacturing companies and numbered fewer than 60. However, since 2003, when it opened its doors to companies involved also in the supply, distribution, repairing, servicing and modifying of valves and actuators, its membership has risen to more than 170. It is no coincidence that this decision has resulted in mutual benefits for both BVAA and Score.
So, how does membership of BVAA benefit Score? Firstly, it was reassuring to hear from Rob that BVAA is Score Group Apprentice Lecture ‘BVAA – The Voice of the British Valve Industry’ a not-for-profit organisation and that all income from subscriptions and other sources is returned to the BVAA members in the form of services and benefits.
Nowadays BVAA uses its expertise and industry contacts to publish industry safety and quality standards, provide technical and product advice, and organise training courses and exhibitions. In addition the BVAA is the recognised ‘Voice of the British Valve Industry’ as it is often the first contact when news or information is sought concerning aspects of valves and the valve industry. In this respect, James Geddes, Commercial Director of Score (Europe) Limited, sits on BVAA’s Executive Committees and is able to make an important contribution to this process.
A recent strategic review of its activities has given BVAA a new focus involving a complete re-vamp of its website and an overhaul of it longestablished ‘Valve User’ magazine. This publication offers information and advice to those involved in the valve industries and also offers greatly discounted advertising rates for its members.
Rob went on to stress how the future of the UK valve industry looks very bright. The oil and gas industries are the main markets for companies involved in valve sales and services; recent studies conclude that world oil and gas reserves are expected to allow for many decades of exploration. Also, the quality of Britishmade valves is very high in comparison with many others, and this fact is recognised by users who demand long and trouble-free working lives from their valves and components.
Finally, Rob appealed to his large audience, of mainly 17-22 year olds, to appreciate just how lucky they were! To be employed by a major player such as Score in the energy service industry, located at the hub of the UK oil and gas industry, AND to benefit from expert training on a highly acclaimed apprentice engineer training scheme…what more could they want?! With hard work, dedication and willingness to learn, the rewards should indeed be high, and he hoped and expected that the links between BVAA and Score would strengthen, to the benefit of both, during our future roles in the valves industry.
After Rob had responded to several questions from the apprentices, Conrad Ritchie, Deputy Managing Director of Score (Europe) Limited, emphasised the importance of the role of the BVAA, and particularly its links with Score in the part which we both play in the global energy industry. Mr Ritchie also expressed his satisfaction at the number of questions put to Rob by the apprentices. This clearly demonstrated the interest which his lecture had raised among his audience.
Leighton Willox, Managing Director at S.T.A.M.P. Limited, then thanked Rob for his lecture which had skilfully illustrated the importance of the BVAA in its position as ‘the Voice of the British Valve Industry’.
However, Rob’s duties were not yet over. In a ceremony which demonstrated the continuing commitment by Score to the development of their future careers, all the company’s 4th, 5th and 6th year engineering apprentices were individually presented by Rob with their own complimentary copy of the latest edition of the BVAA publication ‘Valve & Actuator Users’ Manual’, recognised as the ‘bible’ in our industry, and an important work of reference for every apprentice, now and in the future.
Score Europe Ltd
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