BVAA: Hotspot - ISO / FDIS 23632 Industrial valves — Design Validation-testing of Valves

Published: 26th February 2021 | Issue 60 Share article:

What is it? 

The attached final draft standard ISO FDIS 23632 has now been circulated by BSI for final voting and approval to publish. The document specifies requirements and acceptance criteria for the type testing of metallic butterfly and ball valves used for isolating services applicable to all industrial applications, and serves to validate the product design for 205 cycles. It also defines the procedure for extending the qualification of the tested valve to untested sizes and pressure designations of the same product range.

This document is limited to metallic quarter turn isolation valves and so excludes control valves, thermoplastics valves and safety devices.

Please contact the secretariat at the BVAA if you have any comments on the attached draft standard in order that we may pass these on to the PSE 18/1 committee for BSI to take into consideration when casting the UK vote. Please ensure that your comments are submitted before 17/3/2021.

Why is it Important? 

The purpose of the type test is to validate the seat performance provided by the manufacturer’s technical documentation of the product and verify the torque requirements and MAST. It also validates the durability of seat performance and operating torque through mechanical and thermal cycles.

Type testing is the most reliable method to validate a product, covering many aspects, such as its design, material selection and manufacturing processes. It will also serve as a guide for valve selection, allowing customers to compare different valve types, designs and brands. This standard is intended to reduce manufacturer's costs by decreasing the number of end user specific design validations that are currently required, in the absence of an international standard.

Elements of the standard are similar in form and content to the already established type test requirements contained in the Shell MESC SPE 77-300 specification.

Continuous Improvement

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Hot Spots are intended to alert members and provide a brief overview of new standards, activities or procedures that are being introduced in the industry. If there is key information missing that would be helpful, please let us know so that we can improve our future service.

This Hotspot is for information purposes only. We invite comments from BVAA members only. Please also note that at time of publication ballots may be closed. For more information please contact the Secretariat: 

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