IVS: May 25th - 26th 2022

Published: 1st March 2021 | Issue 60 Share article:

Bergamo, 23rd December 2020 - Confindustria Bergamo and Ente Fiera Promoberg have decided to postpone the fourth edition of IVS Industrial Valve Summit, the international fair dedicated to industrial valves and flow control solutions, to 26th and 27h May 2022. The summit, initially scheduled for 25th and 26h May 2021, will still be held at the Bergamo Fair Centre as originally planned.

The delicate and persisting situation linked to the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic prompted the organisers to postpone the exhibition to next year, to protect people’s health and safety as well as to respond to the travel restrictions and to the impact on the global valve industry. The decision has been taken after close and deep consultation with IVS exhibitors, partners and all the players of the industrial valve supply chain.

Industrial Valve Summit will keep in contact with the industrial valve community. The organisers are working to enrich the contents of the IVS 2022 programme of conferences and conventions, and to empower communication efforts. The event will be an opportunity to discuss actual issues and trends and examine strategic developments in the industry.

IVS has grown by number of visitors, exhibitors and traffic on communication channels year by year, since its establishment in 2015. The third edition of the summit attracted over 250 companies and almost 11,000 visitors to Bergamo: the growth stood at 36%, compared to the 8,000 accesses recorded in the 2017 edition and tripled compared to the 3,500 accesses of 2015. The visits to the IVS website quadrupled in the months leading up to the last exhibition event.

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