Hot Spot Task Group Launched to Revise API 6FA Fire Testing of Valves

Published: 31st May 2024 | Issue 92 Share article:

What is it?

API have recently announced that they intend to revise API 6FA Standard for Fire Testing of Valves and they have formed a Task Group for the purpose. They are now seeking volunteers to actively participate in this Task Group, it is anticipated that meetings will be held using a hybrid format as with other recent API Task Groups thereby minimising time and travel costs.

If you have experience in the fire testing of API valves and are interested in actively contributing to the revision of this important standard then please advise the BVAA secretariat, preferably before the 23/5/24, so that your name may be proposed for the Task Group.

Why is it Important?

API 6FA is an important fire testing standard covering API 6A and 6D valves with the following scope:

To establish the requirements for testing and evaluating the pressure-containing performance of API 6A and 6D valves when exposed to fire. The performance requirements of this document are intended to establish standard limits of acceptability regardless of size or pressure rating.

API 6FA establishes acceptable levels for leakage through the test valve and also external leakage after exposure to a fire for a 30 minute time period. The burn period has been established on the basis that it represents the maximum time required to extinguish most fires. This standard is not intended to cover check valves or end connections.

Fire Test qualified valves are likely to be specified for many important applications, including hydrogen service, and API 6FA is one of three standards alongside ISO 10497 and API 607, that are frequently specified. Fire qualification testing is expensive for manufacturers, so it is desirable that the test requirements of all three standards will allow a valve to be qualified for all using a single test. The requirements of the recently revised API 607 and ISO 10497 both allow this, consequently it would be advantageous that API 6FA testing requirements are consistent with the other two standards.

Continuous Improvement - Did we miss anything?

Hot Spots are intended to alert members and provide a brief overview of new standards, activities or procedures that are being introduced in the industry. If there is key information missing that would be helpful, please let us know so that we can improve our future service.

Please Note: This Hotspot is for information purposes, and we invite comments from BVAA members only. Please also note that at time of publication ballots may be closed. For more information, please contact the Secretariat.

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