Ballot on ISO DIS 12101 Type Testing of Stem Seals for Valves

Published: 31st May 2024 | Issue 92 Share article:

Commenting Template

Commenting Template

What is it?

The attached DIS document has been circulated by ISO for review as part of the ballot process for ISO DIS 12101 Measurement, test and qualification procedures for fugitive emissions - Classification system and qualification procedures for type testing of stem seals for valves. This standard is designed to complement the existing ISO 15848 series of fugitive emissions testing standards by specifying qualification requirements that can be undertaken by seal manufacturers.

The DIS document specifies testing procedures for evaluation of external leakage of valve stem (or shaft) seals of isolating valves and control valves. End connection joints, body joints, vacuum application, effects of corrosion, and radiation are excluded from this document.

This is likely to be the final ballot stage for technical changes relating to this standard and so please submit any comments that you may have to the BVAA secretariat by 14th June 2024 using the template illustrated. It is planned to hold a meeting of the BVAA FE TEG on 2nd July to consider and agree any comments received on the document prior to submitting them to BSI with a voting recommendation as part of the UK response to the ISO ballot.

Why is it Important?

The purpose of ISO 12101 is to establish a uniform procedure for evaluation of process valve stem packing using a standardised test fixture and helium or methane as the test medium. The testing approaches defined provide a method for evaluating sealing systems allowing valve manufacturers to compare the relative performance of different seal systems against the requirements of ISO 15848.

Currently the most widely used type test standard of this type is API 622, which uses methane as a test gas and is focussed on oil and gas applications. The use of methane is not widely adopted by the global valve industry, partly due to health and safety concerns, however this document also allows the use of helium as a test gas. It is also aligned with the ISO 15848 fugitive emissions standards and consequently it is likely that it will become the preferred global general purpose testing standard for evaluating stem/shaft sealing systems.

Continuous Improvement - Did we miss anything?

Hot Spots are intended to alert members and provide a brief overview of new standards, activities or procedures that are being introduced in the industry. If there is key information missing that would be helpful, please let us know so that we can improve our future service.

Please Note: This Hotspot is for information purposes, and we invite comments from BVAA members only. Please also note that at time of publication ballots may be closed. For more information, please contact the Secretariat.

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