Crane’s New XOMOX® XLB Lined Ball Valve

Crane ChemPharma Flow Solutions™ Launches New XOMOX® XLB Lined Ball Valve

Published: 7th July 2011 | Issue 17 Share article:

Crane ChemPharma Flow Solutions™, XOMOX® recently announced that is has started shipping its new XLB Lined Ball Valve. The patented design of this new global lined ball valve (GLBV) offers multiple advantages, including:

1) An innovative stem sealing system that provides safety and long term fugitive emission control under extreme conditions

2) Dynamic body joint design that allows the valve to retain pressure boundary during thermal cycles

3) Lower torque which translates into reduced actuation costs and space saving.

The new design is available in ½ to 6 inch (15 -150 mm) sizes (as per ASME, EN, and JIS). The entire valve is sized to have little or no extension beyond the flange diameter, thus allowing the valve to be used in parallel piping systems easily without having to increase the dimensions of the system. It also features a smooth, painted surface that allows for effective wash down, limiting the potential for external corrosion.

“Crane conceptualized the design behind the new XLB Lined Ball Valve in response to the growing industry demand for a safer and cost-effective solution,” said Hari Jinaga, Global Business Line Manager for CRANE ChemPharma Flow Solutions, XOMOX. “Our XLB Lined Ball Valve addresses those concerns and features a metallic core, PFA lining and advanced sealing technology that come together to resist corrosion and withstand varying temperature and pressure ranges, all while providing a safe user experience.”

All wetted components of the XOMOX Lined Ball Valve XLB are fully lined with permeation resistant PFA material as a barrier to corrosion, but PVDF and Anti-static PFA lining options are also offered. Additionally, an all stainless steel option will be available shortly after launch.

Crane ChemPharma Flow Solutions
Tel: 01633 486 666

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