BEL Valves - Looking good at 50

Published: 19th September 2014 | Issue 30 Share article:

BEL Valves today

BEL Valves today

and in 1964

and in 1964

To understand BEL Valves beginnings we need to go back to the 1950s. This was the era that colour TV and seat belts were introduced, the Queen’s Coronation, the 4 minute mile and the first animal in space. And what were BEL Valves doing back then? Well they hadn’t yet come into being as we know them today. The business was manufacturing valves under licence for ICI for high pressure petrochemical applications and didn’t start their own designs until 1964 as British Engines Valves. Just because we’re on the theme – 1964 was also the first year that Match of the day aired on BBC2, the average weekly wage was £16, Prince Edward was born and it was the year that launched Pirate radio.

So, North East based, BEL Valves are celebrating their 50th anniversary this year. It has been a long and prosperous focus for the British Engines Group having seen employee numbers double in 10 years and turnover double in the last 5. As you would expect BEL Valves have achieved some significant milestones of their own in their 50 year history, see below:

1964 First valve designed and delivered - a 7/8˝ high pressure valve and actuator for a Polyethylene plant

1966 The first apprenticeship intake

1970 First valve export

1982 First subsea valve installed in the North Sea

1986 100 apprentices trained 1990 First High Integrity Pressure Protection System delivered (HIPPS)

1994 First order value over £10m destined for Norway

2000 First of the deep water projects installed in the Gulf of Mexico at 1036m

2002 Development of the double isolation Eccentric ball valve

2004 Design of the Subsea Electric Actuator

2007 First Subsea High Pressure valve installation

2010 Highest pressure, water depth 7 bore size combination for the Gulf of Mexico

2013 Largest high pressure subsea HIPPS valve

Neil Kirkbride, CEO at BEL Valves, commented: ‘We’ve been part of this global industry for 50 years and been involved in some fascinating developments throughout this time. None more so than now.’

BEL Valves are investing heavily in the future, embarking on significant expansion plans with a 5 year development that started last year. BEL’s footprint will increase from 42,000m2 to over 55,000m2 enabling them to double capacity at their manufacturing and R&D facilities to meet an increasing demand. The additional space also makes room for the growing number of personnel.

With increases in demand from their focus markets, BEL Valves is continually developing its capabilities to provide facilitating technology for onerous service conditions, high pressures, high temperatures and ultra-deep water. Investing in markets where they anticipate growth, providing a path for sustainable success.

BEL Valves Ltd
Tel: 0191 265 9091

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