Annual General Meeting 2017
BVAA’s Annual General Meeting was held this year on November 17th at Rookery Hall, Cheshire.
Annual General Meeting - Presentations & Speakers

Future Leaders Cohort 2

Evening entertainment Charity Casino

Rob Boycott - 'BVAA Champion'

Evening entertainment band 'Mixed Feelings'

Photobooth sponsored by SmartAct
First up was Adrian Bond from the Department for International Trade on the important topic of Export Controls and associated licenses. It has been some years since BVAA covered the subject in depth, so the update was timely, humorously delivered and very well received.
Unfortunately, our second presenter on GDPR cancelled at very short notice. Unfazed, Mark Homer, husband of BVAA’s very own Barbra Homer, stepped in at zero notice and received a fantastic feedback score on his deeply fascinating presentation on ‘The Service Technician of the Future.’ The scope for new technology in this field appears limitless, but the concept of ‘vibrating clothing’ to warn technicians that they are about to make a potential mistake in their practices does seem a little far-fetched, and yet is being utilised. It’s a strange yet exciting brave new world!
The next session was the presentation by the BVAA Future Leaders, Cohort 2. Now fully-bedded in as a concept and a fully-fledged strand of BVAA activity in its own right, the ‘FLP’ continues to take a small band of talented individuals from the industry each year and develop them into leaders for the future. The journey the FLPs travel in one short year is amazing, as are the changes within them in that time. In his particular piece, FLP Eddie Sheard (KKI) noted that when his name was put forward, he was so anxious of the FLP, he considered quitting his job! Just a year later, there he stood, confidently explaining his misgivings like a professional, to the massed ranks of the BVAA. It demonstrated a transformational change indeed and was a testament to the power and effectiveness of the programme (Note: At the end of the programme in January, Eddie received an award from his fellow FLPs in recognition of his high achievement).
After lunch, the ‘FLP’ Personal Development Consultant, Dr Martin Haigh MBE, gave a presentation entitled A Wise Investment, which looked at the value of developing young people to businesses, as evidenced by the FLP.
At the AGM meeting itself, BVAA said farewell to outgoing Chairman David Millar (Heap & Partners), who also stepped down from the Board, and welcomed his replacement Mr Colin Findlay (Severn). Vice Chairs appointed for the year were Rhys Jones (BEL Valves) and Tim Guest (Zoedale).
Dinner Dance
In recognition of Mr Findlay’s appointment, and his proud Scots heritage, Members were spectacularly piped into silence by the Wirral Pipe Band. In the traditional speeches, Colin presented David Millar with his specially commissioned BVAA cufflinks. There were further awards to association members for their contributions over the year, including a special ‘BVAA Champion’ Award to BVAA Business Development Consultant, Rob Boycott.
A Casino evening provided yet more distraction, as did the excellent cabaret band, Mixed Feelings. Members continued their generosity all evening with a record breaking donation of £809 to Children In Need. Our special thanks go to the sponsors Rotork, SmartAct, Kent Introl, The Great British Valve Group, Heap & Partners, and Emerson.
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