Activities Report
Activity Breeds Activity!

Spring Conference

L-R: Rob Boycott, Rob Bartlett at Share Fair, Image courtesy of Oil & Gas UK

Golf Winners 2017 - HSP & Severn

AGM Evening Entertainment

AGM Evening

L-R: Colin Findlay, Baroness Nicholson, & BVAA Director Rob Bartlett

Spring Conference
Future Leaders Programme
Covered in detail elsewhere in this Review, it would be wrong not to acknowledge here the extraordinary efforts that have gone into the programme’s second iteration. With a constant BVAA senior management presence, and cross-over into several other BVAA events throughout the year, the ‘FLP’ has cemented itself fully into the fabric of the BVAA.
With our focus on ‘bang for buck’ we continued our philosophy of attending events we thought would bring best advantage for BVAA members. Offshore Europe (September 2017) is a regular event for us, and the upswing in confidence in the oil and gas sector was palpable, although perhaps serious consideration needs to be given to reviewing whether Aberdeen can support an event for 4 full days. This was Offshore’s last appearance at the AECC site and we are all looking forward to the improved facilities at the new centre.
Other events this year included EIC Connect in Liverpool and the PILOT Share Fair – both in November. These were extremely happy hunting grounds for the BVAA and several Desktop Exhibitions (see BD Report) came about directly from the contacts we made at these events.
Also a little out of the ordinary was the BHR Valve Testing Event that BVAA co-sponsored on 12th October. It was the second event of this type in recent years, whereby the host – a member of BVAA – takes the opportunity to invite its customers (also BVAA members) for a series of technical presentations and a tour of the facility. BVAA Director Rob Bartlett commented, ‘We are constantly asked where members can source certain products and services, and very often the answers lie within our own membership. It is incredibly satisfying to see members make connections before your eyes, at an event you’ve helped bring about.’
Spring Conference & Golf
The BVAA Conference & Golf event was held this year on 17th / 18th May 2017 at Celtic Manor and generated some of the best feedback BVAA has ever received!
Generously supported by our sponsors and underpinned by a strong head-count of member-delegates, the day opened up with Baroness Nicholson of Winterbourne, who spoke on the topic of Opportunities for International Trade in the Context of Brexit, and on the Role of the Trade Envoy.
Additional papers were delivered by Professor Joe Nellis, Jeremy Leonard, Steve Robertson, Matthew Barnett, Steve Charles, and BVAA’s own Andy Will & Tim Guest, on a broad range of topics including market outlooks, valve-integrity issues in the customerbase, specialised support from BVAA member-services and the digital workplace. As is commonplace, several new initiatives and services have spun out of the feedback received from members, underlining, were it necessary, the effectiveness of feedback and a responsive Secretariat.
Annual Golf Day
Brilliant sunshine arrived to order for the post-Conference Golf Day, making it another spectacular success. Thirty-two members and guests competed for the coveted BVAA Cup and other generous prizes. Nearest the Pin was won by Dewi Byles (Crane) and Longest Drive by BVAA Future Leader David McClymont (Crane). Taking 3rd Prize with 81 points were the Heap & Partners / KT Hydraulics combination. Runners up with 83pts were the Crane/Rotork team. The BVAA Cup Winners however were the Severn / HSP team of Mark Breese, Barry Wilder, Rob Lloyd and Matt Lynn with an impressive 89 points! The 2018 event will this year take place at Formby Hall, Southport.
The BVAA AGM this year was held at Rookery Hall, Cheshire and comprised the established yet relatively new-style format of a mini-conference in the morning, Association business in the afternoon, including the appointment of the Association’s new Chairman, Mr Colin Findlay (Severn Group).
There’s a fuller report in the BVAA section of this issue of Valveuser, but the ‘forward looking’ theme of topics covered included Export Controls and associated best practice, the Service Technician of the Future, the Future Leaders Programme and the Benefits of Developing Staff. The day closed out with the usual Black-Tie dinner dance and some spectacular diversions and entertainment. The Association also took the opportunity to thank publicly the unsung heroes – volunteers all - working behind the scenes for the benefit of all members.
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