Rick Faircloth recieves Citation of Appreciation award from API

“The American Petroleum Institute (API) recognizes Rick Faircloth for the leadership he has generously provided as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Supply Chain Management and his more than 35 of service to the Committee on Standardization of Oilfield Equipment and Materials in Subcommittees 6, 18 and 20.
During Rick’s tenure the Subcommittees have advanced work on several key documents covering castings, forgings, offshore bolting, quality and supply chain.
Rick has also been a leader in chairing API’s task group on pipeline valves for 20 years, one of API’s most widely used standards, supporting worldwide safe and sustainable operations. And from this document, the industry has benefited from supporting documents on subsea valve operations, actuators and HPHT.
Rick has long been appreciated for his skills as a consensus builder and is recognized for his leadership, technical skills, and significant contributions to the standardization program of the American Petroleum Institute. The API, its Committee on Standardization of Oilfield Equipment and Materials and the international petroleum and natural gas industry thank Rick for his lasting contributions.”
Rick was also presented an award for his 40 years of participation with API standards development.
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