FprEN 16767 Industrial valves - Metallic check valves – Final Vote and Approval to Publish

Published: 18th February 2020 | Issue 52 Share article:

What is it?: This document specifies the general requirements for metallic check valves,
which are forged, cast or fabricated in straight, angle or oblique pattern (see EN 736-2) with end connections flanged or wafer, butt welding, socket welding, or threaded.
This document applies to metallic check valves used for all industrial applications.

Why is it important?: The main changes are the following:
- inclusion of copper alloy check valves (in Clause 1 and in 4.2);
- update of the normative references;
- addition of informative Annex B giving the correspondence between DN and NPS;.
- update of Annex ZA according to Directive 2014/68/EU.

Supersedes: If this revision to EN16767 is adopted BS 7438 and part of BS5154 will
be superseded and withdrawn. The 2016 version of EN16767 will be superseded and withdrawn

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