Chrysaor Desktop in Aberdeen

Published: 12th May 2020 | Issue 53 Share article:

The BVAA hosted a successful desktop exhibition at Chrysaor in Aberdeen last year. This event saw some high quality attendees and offered an opportunity for networking with the right people.

The event saw over 40 attendees visiting 10 exhibitors from BVAA member companies. The feedback overall was incredibly postive from exhibitors and attendees alike. We would like to extend our thanks to our members for coming and being a part of this exceedingly effective event. Whilst our exceptionally sucessful desktop exhibitions have been postponed due to the current situation with the pandemic making face to face networking events unsafe the BVAA continue to deliver services to suit our members in an unprecendented and uncertain time.

When we can resume our popular desktop events these will be resumed in full force. In the meantime digital networking takes priorty and the BVAA can offer an introductions service.

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