Hobbs Valve at University

Published: %dth %B %Y | Issue 12 Share article:

With a view to further understanding project requirements; Hobbs Valve is pleased to announce the enrolment of one of its employees at Cranfield University. Mr Ashley Ford, one of Hobbs’ promising young Design Engineers, has been given the opportunity to attend university on a part time course, and pursue a Masters Degree in Offshore Pipeline Design and Installation. Ashley, already a design graduate from Swansea University, will seek to add strength and depth to the resource of Hobbs’ Engineering Department, whilst also achieving his personal objective.

"We are very keen to invest in our people, and this level of commitment from both parties is needed to move the company forward" said Alun Hobbs, Managing Director.

Hobbs Valve
Tel: +44 (0)29 20861099
Website: www.hobbsvalve.com

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