Hot Spot - IOGP JIP33 S-563 Material Data Sheets for Piping & Valve Components V3 Published

Published: 27th January 2022 | Issue 70 Share article:

What is it?

The IOGP JIP33 specification S-563 Material Data Sheets for Piping & Valve Components has been revised and published as version 3. This document lists material data sheets and general requirements intended to be used by IOGP members, they are based on ASTM material specifications but include additional requirements.

This major revision has substantially expanded the number of material data sheets to approximately 150 including the following new MDSs:

  • 200 series Austenitic stainless steel grades ASTM A182 F XM-19, ASTM A479 XM19
  • Martensitic stainless-steel grades: ASTM A182 F6A, UNS S41000, ASTM A276 410/420, ASTM A217 CA15
  • Stainless steel grades: 321, 347, 347H, 321H
  • Austenitic stainless-steel bolting: 304, 316 grades
  • PH-stainless steel grades: ASTM A705/A564 Gr. 630, (17-4PH)
  • Ni-steels: 3.5 %Ni grades
  • Alloy 825
  • Aluminium-bronze: ASTM B150 UNS C63200 and ASTM B124 UNS C63000
  • Cr/Mo alloy steels: 1¼Cr ½Mo and 2¼Cr 1Mo grades

The general requirements for pilot castings and high-pressure service have also been revised.

This revised specification is now available for download free of charge at Material Data Sheets for Piping and Valve Components - JIP33 (

Why is it Important?

The specification is important because it covers a wide range of material datasheets that are commonly used in valves within the oil and gas industry, and it is intended that these requirements will be universally adopted by IOGP members. IOGP also advised us that they have proposed that this specification will be adopted as ISO 13703-2 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Piping systems on offshore production platforms and onshore plants - Part 2: Fabrication, due to be published in 2022. Additionally, API is also planning to conduct a national adoption of the ISO 13703 series of standards as the next edition of API 14E.


S-563 V2

Continuous Improvement

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