New compact & powerful ATEX linear valve actuators from Schischek

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ExMax actuator valve solution

ExMax actuator valve solution

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Linear valve actuator family (left to right: ExRun, RedRun and InRun)

Linear valve actuator family (left to right: ExRun, RedRun and InRun)

Compact design ExRun

Compact design ExRun

ExRun with universal linkage

ExRun with universal linkage

It doesn’t get much smaller in the 10kN category than the new ExRun from Schischek offering unrivalled functionality at the highest protection class

Schischek has been manufacturing electric Explosionproof valve actuators in various sizes with a multitude of functions and adaptations since 1984.

The goal we set ourselves for the development of this new addition to our product line was a more compact, easier to install, universally applicable product at a price unmatched in the market place.

The ExRun, Red Run, InRun generation of innovative actuators is the result of 25 years of pace setting experience. The ground breaking design allows forces between 500N and 10,000N to be generated from the compact package.

The on-site selection of one of two force levels in each actuator (500 & 1000N, 2,500 & 5,000N, 7,500 & 10,000N) as well the selection of one of five run times (i.e. between 2 and 15 s/mm) are just two of the key features new to this generation all by means of a conveniently mounted 10 position switch. The colour coding follows the same proven pattern pioneered by Schischek for the existing product lines. The yellow of ExRun is suitable for use in Zones 1, 2, 21 & 22, the magenta of RedRun for Zones 2 & 22 and the green of InRun for non-hazardous use.

Wide range self adapting power supplies, well established on Schischek rotary actuators, are included as standard allowing an actuator to be connected to a 24 to 230VAC/DC supply without the need for any configuration or parameter change thus reducing inventory and massively simplifying installation.

The actuators offer all necessary methods of control options, on/off, 3 point and modulating (0 to 10V or 4 to 20mA). The self adjust facility ensures that modulating control signals can be matched to the adjustable travel with the push of a button. Potentiometer, as well as 0 to 10V/4 to 20mA, feedback signals are also available.

The continuous modes still allow an on/off failsafe control as well as inversion of input or feedback signals. A red-yellow-green LED behind a dummy plug indicated status and error. Some valve bodies can, in their end position, not be subjected to the force of the actuator - think of packed gland valves for example or 3-point valves without end stops. For that reason the Schischek linear valve actuator has a mechanical stroke limit which can be continuously adjusted between 5 and 60mm. Because the actuator is 100% overload protected it can be blocked in any position.

Adaptations are available for the various suppliers of valve bodies using a column distance of 100mm with or without mounting plate. The Actuator has an integrated Ex-e junction box with cable glands pointing down at an angle when the actuator is installed vertically. The entire device, including the junction box, has a standard ingress protection of IP66 and comes in a robust aluminium housing weighing not much more than 7kg depending on the exact model.

Starting with this generation, all Ex/Red/InRun valve actuators come with integrated manual positioning as standard. By flipping a switch from “automatic” to “hand” the actuator can be manually moved in any position with the Allen Key provided. The switch disengages the motor for safe and easy movement of the actuator however the position feedback signal continues to reflect the changed position. Depending on the state of the switch, the actuator goes back to normal operation after Power On or stays in the manual set position.

External position switches are available for retrofit as well as various adaptations for different valves from nearly all valve manufacturers. The Explosionproof actuators have certifications for the highest protection classes according to ATEX94/9/EG for all gases and dust for Zones 1, 2, 21 and 22. They are also approved in accordance with IEC-Ex, ExGost (Russia) and will soon be approved in accordance with UL, FM and CSA for North American markets.

OEM solutions are possible within the framework of the standards.

Schischek Ltd.
Tel: 01245 256007

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