Future Leaders Programme Hits a Six!

Published: 24th February 2023 | Issue 81 Share article:

It’s not quite cricket season yet, but BVAA recently picked its twelve men and women for the ‘testing’ 6th Cohort of the BVAA’s Future Leaders Programme (FLP).

Play got under way last week at BVAA HQ, with an intensive induction day plus personal development sessions on Professional Report Writing and Presenting like a Leader, led by the scheme wizard, Dr Martin Haigh MBE.

For the uninitiated, the FLP is BVAA’s very own talent development programme.  Each year we select 10 or 12 young individuals – identified as having potential by their companies – and put them through a series of personal development and leadership sessions. 

The scheme also includes a range of valve industry site visits, best practice lectures and experience days, plus visits to centres of engineering excellence (the AMRC, TWI, nuclear power stations, refineries, etc. – the choice of which is largely driven by the cohort’s own particular interests). 

Another feature is free BVAA Technical Training and the payment of their first-year professional registration application fees by the Association.

The FLP is constantly evolving and a new element this year is that it recently became a recognised programme approved by the prestigious Chartered Management Institute.

Many former FLP delegates have described their experience on the programme in superlatives, and the feedback from their bosses on their progress is equally impressive.  As is the subsequent progress of the delegates within their companies.

This year’s dozen now join a company of over 60 such young professionals that the BVAA has trained and seeded into the British Valve industry, including BVAA’s own Chairman, David Godfrey of Rotork who commented, ‘What a joy it is to see the return of the FLP for its 6th year. The BVAA’s commitment to helping drive and grow industry talent was clear to see and is a true credit to the association.’

Find out more about FLP on our BVAA website HERE.

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