Hot Spot Revised China SELO Scheme

What is it?
On 1st June 2023 China introduced revised regulations for manufacturers’ of valves being imported into the country for use in all sectors except offshore, nuclear and military.
The legislation introducing the new scheme was introduced in June 2019 but the full implementation of the scheme has been delayed until this year. The deadline to gain license approval by all manufacturers wishing to export valves to China is now set for 31st May 2024. The scheme includes specific requirements for manufacturers and also continues the type testing requirement for safety valves.
The new license requirements apply to valves sizes of NB 50 and above with nominal pressure greater than 4.0MPa. The relevant TSG 07-2019 regulations include specific resource, equipment, personnel qualifications and organisational requirements for eligible manufacturers graded in 3 product dependent licensing groups.
Why is it Important?
Based on the current timescales announced, valves falling under the scheme will not be accepted for import into China after 31st May 2024 if the manufacturer does not have a valid license.
The new licensing requirements have increased the number of valves that will require approval by the Chinese authorities. Because manufacturers will need to undergo an audit by officials from China, lasting typically 4-5 days, to verify compliance with the very prescriptive requirements of the scheme, it is likely that there may be a significant time delay from submitting the initial application to the issuing of a valid license.
The attached fact sheet supplied by LRQA includes further information and links to online data sources that may be useful to members who need more details of this requirement.
Previous China SELO scheme for safety valves.
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