Hot Spot-IOGP JIP33 S-561 Subsea Wellhead and Tree Equipment Published

Published: 20th September 2023 | Issue 87 Share article:

What is it?

IOGP JIP 33 have published their revised supplementary specification, S-561 2023 Subsea Wellhead and Tree Equipment to API Spec 17D. It has been updated to bring it into line with AP17D 3rd edition.

The purpose of this specification is to define a minimum common set of supplementary requirements for the petroleum and natural gas industries relating to the procurement of subsea trees to API 17D. The specifications can be downloaded by following the link Subsea Archives | IOGP Publications library.

Why is it Important?

This specification is important because it includes supplementary requirements for valves and actuators installed on subsea trees that will be adopted by 12 of the major subsea operators in the oil and gas industry. It is written as an overlay to API 17D 3rd edition, following the same structure as the parent standard but containing additional requirements.

The specification includes specific supplementary requirements for valves, actuators and chokes, including valve related annexes devoted to qualification testing requirements. It is recommended that these annexes are carefully reviewed due to the significant costs incurred when qualifying subsea equipment.

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