Hot Spot Re-activation of EN 593 and BVAA Butterfly Valve TEG

Published: 29th July 2024 | Issue 94 Share article:

What is it?

CEN/TC69 has re-activated work on a revision of the Metallic Butterfly Valve product standard EN 593 which has been on hold for the last 3 years whilst work was completed on other standards. The scope of the standard covers Metallic Butterfly Valves with pressure ratings from Class 150 -Class 900 (PN 2.5-PN 160) and sizes DN 20-DN 4000. The latest draft issued by BSI in 2019 is attach for reference.

CEN/TC69/WG4 is the working group responsible for EN 593, and it is now preparing for a meeting in autumn of this year to work on further developing the draft. The BVAA Butterfly Valve TEG is being re-activated in preparation for this meeting to allow members to participate in the development of this important standard. The TEG has not met for several years during the hold period and so we are requesting that any new members interested in participating contact the BVAA secretariat by 1/8/24 prior to organising a meeting to discuss the current draft of EN 593.

Why is it Important?

This standard covers the majority of metallic butterfly valve designs, and it is also intended to be a harmonised standard to the PED allowing members to demonstrate their compliance with both the PED and PE(S)R by following its requirements. EN 593 will also be the first CEN valve product standard to adopt a new format based upon the requirements of the latest revision of EN 1666, and so it is intended to be a template for all future EN valve product standards. Consequently, it is important that UK butterfly valve manufacturers are involved in developing and agreeing the content of this standard to ensure that it is in line with market requirements and their products.


EN 593:2017 Metallic Butterfly Valves.

Continuous Improvement - Did we miss anything?

Hot Spots are intended to alert members and provide a brief overview of new standards, activities or procedures that are being introduced in the industry. If there is key information missing that would be helpful, please let us know so that we can improve our future service.

Please Note: This Hotspot is for information purposes, and we invite comments from BVAA members only. Please also note that at time of publication ballots may be closed. For more information, please contact the Secretariat.

BVAA Members: Did you know we have a hotspot tab on the BVAA website? Head over to and log into the member only area. You then need to select ‘Hotspots’ for the latest. For information on how to access the member only area of the website please contact

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