The Future of Energising Springs: Trends and Innovations to Watch

Published: 30th July 2024 | Issue 94 Share article:

Energising springs play a critical role in many sealing applications.  They provide the force that maintains the integrity of the seals in different environments and conditions. 

Industries are evolving, and equipment is changing.  With the demands placed on springs also changing, innovation must continue.  

So, what can we all look forward to? 


The choice of material can impact the performance of energising springs. Stainless steel will always be popular, but use of exotic alloys and high-performance polymers will increase.  

At Clifford Springs we are well prepared for this, with good levels of raw material stocks and expertise in working with all materials. 

Precision Manufacturing Techniques

Modern manufacturing techniques are enabling the production of more precise and reliable energising springs and will continue to evolve.  

Our investment in state-of-the-art coiling machines means we’re capable of coiling springs from wire as fine as 0.02mm and our highly trained laser welding team can weld wire from 0.05mm. 

Customisation and Tailored Solutions

As applications become more specialised, the demand for custom spring solutions is increasing. 

We continue to focus on providing tailored products that meet specific customer requirements, never just manufacturing standard sizes. 

Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Practices

Sustainability is a growing concern across all industries, and spring manufacturing is no exception.  

We’ve already made significant inroads with managing our waste streams, installing solar panels and electric charging points for our electric vehicles etc, and will continue to invest and focus on recycling and waste reduction, energy-efficient production and sustainable energy. 

Enhanced Testing and Quality Control

The reliability and performance of energising springs is crucial, whatever the application. As testing and quality control systems continue to improve, results are more accurate, and the efficiency of the quality control process is enhanced.  

At Clifford Springs, we’re continuing to invest in this technology, knowing it will help manufacturers maintain and improve standards. 

The future of energising springs is bright, with continuous innovations driving improvements in performance, customisation, and sustainability. As industries evolve and new challenges arise, manufacturers like Clifford Springs are working hard to stay at the forefront, developing advanced solutions to meet the increasing demands of modern applications. 

By staying abreast of these trends and embracing new technologies, we are ensuring that our energising springs continue to deliver reliable and efficient performance in even the most demanding environments. 

If you’re taking the same approach to manufacturing your valves, we should talk. Email:

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