Advanced Valves Training – Build and Apply Knowledge

Advanced Valves Training at Banbury HQ

Advanced Valves Training at Banbury HQ

Published: 30th July 2024 | Issue 94 Share article:

Peter Dix CEng MIMechE, Principal Technical Consultant & Leading Lecturer

Peter Dix CEng MIMechE, Principal Technical Consultant & Leading Lecturer

Advanced Valves – Design, Manufacture, Test, Commission & Service

Next Training Dates: 14-15 October 2024

Advanced Valves - Design, Manufacture, Test, Commission & Service is a 2-day course held at BVAA HQ in Oxfordshire. This higher-level training is run twice a year – in spring and autumn - and places are limited to allow attendees to network with colleagues from the valve industry and have plenty of time for discussion and clarification of specific valve issues.

Delegates are often experienced engineers from a product design and development, technical sales, or piping engineering background. One of the main aims of the course is to provide a more complete understanding of the world of valves, and for attendees to make good use of the knowledge in their day-to-day work.

Peter Dix CEng MIMechE, is the course lecturer and here he reflects on his own career and experience, “In the early years of my career in the valve industry I regularly worked with all manner of company procedures and international standards as part of my job, however it took me decades of experience and conversations with senior colleagues before I started to understand how it all really fitted together, why we did things in the way that we did.”

Eventually I started to understand things like the differences between power generation, oil and gas and general process markets and why the products and customers’ requirements were slightly different in each, it was hard won knowledge!”

Peter goes on to explain the benefits of the BVAA advanced level training course, that helps experienced engineers build on their knowledge and is “A great opportunity for me to help to “fill in the gaps” for attendees, by not just referring to design codes, standards, material requirements and testing, but also discussing how they are linked to the products and industries that developed them and the benefits that they provide.”

I personally found that background knowledge invaluable in really getting to understand the valve industry and enabling me to respond more effectively to customer requirements because I now understood why they needed it that way.”

BVAA training courses are not only delivered by some of the industry’s most knowledgeable lecturers, but are independent of any particular brand or product type.

Our training is open to BVAA members and non-members, and as a not-for-profit organisation, our prices are competitive.

Advanced Valves – Design, Manufacture, Test, Commission & Service - 14-15 October 2024 - Book online HERE. 

On-site Training for a Group of Your Employees?

If you would prefer our lecturer to come to your premises and train a group of employees, using and references your own products, please contact our training team to discuss your requirements: Email: or call 01295 221 270.

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