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Articles relating to BVAA Annual Reports

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Valveuser Print Magazine Issue 91

Valveuser Print Magazine Issue 91: Pick up your copy at CHEMUK 2024 and IVS!

Valveuser Magazine Issue 91 is the first of our Special Print Editions for 2024! Not only is it packed full of member articles, BVAA news and ...
Valveuser Issue 91

Valveuser Print Magazine Issue 83

Valveuser Print Magazine Issue 83: Pick up your copy at CHEMUK 2023!

Valveuser Magazine Issue 83 is the first of our Special Print Editions for 2023! Not only is it packed full of member articles, BVAA news ...
Valveuser Issue 83

BVAA 2021 Annual Review

BVAA 2021 Annual Review

The BVAA's Annual Review for 2021 is out now! It contains an overview of the associations activities in 2021 including challenges faced and ...
Valveuser Issue 70

BVAA: Annual Review

BVAA: Annual Review

The BVAA Annual Review is out now! It contains a snapshot of the associations activities in 2020 as well as outlooks for the future of the ...
Valveuser Issue 59

Massive thank you to Emerson

Massive thank you to Emerson

We were bestowed with another fantastic donation from Emerson at our recent desktop exhibition at Fluor. They donated their new TopWorx™ HART 7. ...
Valveuser Issue 51

Fabulous donation from Rotork

Fabulous donation from Rotork

Thank you to the team at Rotork for donating three fantastic gearboxes comprising a modular two stage planetary gearbox, a bevel gearbox (HOB3) and a ...
Valveuser Issue 51

Offshore Europe 2019

Offshore Europe 2019

SPE Offshore Europe was held from 3rd – 6th September in the brand-new P&J Live events facility which offered 48.000sqm of exhibition space. The ...
Valveuser Issue 51

Future Leaders

Future Leaders

The culmination of FLP3’s year was once again the key note address to the massed ranks of BVAA members, at the November 2018 Annual General Meetings. ...
Valveuser Issue 48

Training Report

Training Report: Training isn’t important … it’s vital!

We often see a flurry of training bookings at the beginning of each financial year as new budgets are announced, or at the end when remaining funds ...
Valveuser Issue 48

Business Development Group Report

Business Development Group Report

Desktops Exhibitions Our Desktop exhibitions programme is, we believe, unique among associations – certainly among those in the fluid-controls ...
Valveuser Issue 48

Activites Report

Activites Report: BVAA Booms from another year of exciting events!

This past year has again exceeded expectations where events are concerned. It’s easy to see the extensive benefits to our members in terms of the ...
Valveuser Issue 48

Technical Report

Technical Report

BVAA’s Technical Service The key role is to make available to member companies, Government, end users and customers, the expert knowledge that we ...
Valveuser Issue 48

Valve Working Group

Valve Working Group

Going into my second year as year as chairman of the Valve Working Group, again we are seeing well supported working group meetings. With a lot of ...
Valveuser Issue 48

Actuator Working Group

Actuator Working Group

While the WG – which meets concurrently with BSI’s PSE18/5 (actuators) - has not met in 2018, we have been busy at CEN, ISO and API standards ...
Valveuser Issue 48

Director’s Report

Director’s Report

I was so excited by the opportunity to update members on the many developments at BVAA, my first draft of this report became so long, I had to make ...
Valveuser Issue 48

Chairman’s Report

Chairman’s Report

Reflecting on my first year as Chairman of the BVAA, I can’t over-emphasise the excellent work that is done, constantly and consistently, by the core ...
Valveuser Issue 48

'Stronger Together'

'Stronger Together'

‘Stronger Together’ The maxim ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’ was first brandished across posters in 1939. It was the year WWII began and the year the ...
Valveuser Issue 48

Business Development Group Report

Business Development Group Report: ‘I Love it When a Plan Comes Together’

Admittedly the catchphrase of Hannibal (Smith, he of the ‘A-Team,’ not the Elephants) but 2017/18 really was a very rewarding time for the BVAA’s ...
Valveuser Issue 44

Doing more, with less

Doing more, with less: Almost all of us have had to deal with that reality in our careers. At BVAA, this is no different.

Our outgoing Chairman has reflected upon the challenges that both he and I inherited in the mid-2000s, but the ones we faced last year were still ...
Valveuser Issue 44

Business Development Group Report

Business Development Group Report

Adding Value, Finding More Business 2016 was a busy year for the newly formed Business Development (BD) Group. The group’s raison d'être was ...
Valveuser Issue 40

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