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Articles for SAFI Ltd

SAFI Celebrates 60 Years

SAFI Celebrates 60 Years

SAFI Valves is a French plastic valve manufacturer that is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year. The family-owned business has grown ...
Valveuser Issue 83

SAFi: The right choice of valves in the Wet section of Battery Production for Electric Vehicles

SAFi: The right choice of valves in the Wet section of Battery Production for Electric Vehicles

The Global automotive battery market is expected to reach USD 95.57 billion by 2025 as the scope and its applications are rising enormously ...
Valveuser Issue 63

Practical weight and cost savings

Practical weight and cost savings

Corrosion resistant polymer liners for metal valves have been successfully used by the oil and gas industries for many years. The main reasons ...
Valveuser Issue 50

SAFi have launched their new website

SAFi have launched their new website

SAFi are a manufacturer of Thermoplastic Valves – with our global coverage of 40 countries, using our network of subsidiaries and distributors, we ...
Valveuser Issue 48

SAFI Show Us Another Solution to Corrosion

SAFI Show Us Another Solution to Corrosion

Corrosion is a natural process and one of the most evident types is caused by the environment. This break down of material can be caused by something ...
Valveuser Issue 44

SAFI - No Application Challenge Too Severe!

SAFI - No Application Challenge Too Severe!: ‘Even in the most challenging applications, Safi Valves can be called upon to provide solutions that other valve-types simply cannot manage.’

So says Safi Ltd’s MD Steven Cook. Looking at this particular application’s details, you can understand why! The application in question relates ...
Valveuser Issue 43

Valve Materials: Do you know all of your options?

Valve Materials: Do you know all of your options?

Advances in thermoplastic technology may mean that a plastic valve is a better solution than the traditionally considered metal, lined metal & alloy ...
Valveuser Issue 31