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Articles published in Issue 44

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‘Supply chain agility crucial to capitalise on recovering market’ claims Actuated Solutions

‘Supply chain agility crucial to capitalise on recovering market’ claims Actuated Solutions: Actuated Solutions Ltd emplore the Oil & Gas sector to embrace agile supply chain practices

In February, a month after Brent crude surpassed the $71 marker for the first time in three years, specialist provider of value automation products, ...
Valveuser Issue 44

A Word from the New Chairman

A Word from the New Chairman

It was a tremendous honour to be asked to take the Chair of the BVAA, and I know that David will be a hard act to follow. I will miss his experience, ...
Valveuser Issue 44

Acquisition adds Valves Value for EnerMech

Acquisition adds Valves Value for EnerMech: EnerMech is expanding its valves division with the acquisition of the UK valves business of Denholm Valvecare (DV).

The global integrated engineering services group has acquired the UK trade and assets of the valves division of family-owned Denholm Oilfield ...
Valveuser Issue 44

Activities Report

Activities Report: Activity Breeds Activity!

When describing the benefits of membership, we are constantly telling members ‘you get out of it what you put into it.’ Here at the Secretariat we ...
Valveuser Issue 44

Actuated Solutions Offers Widest Range of APL Switchboxes on Market

Actuated Solutions Offers Widest Range of APL Switchboxes on Market

One of the UK’s leading valve automation providers, Actuated Solutions, is announcing it now offers the widest range of genuine APL switchboxes on ...
Valveuser Issue 44

Actuator Working Group

Actuator Working Group

The BVAA Actuator Working Group, in conjunction with BSI - PSE18/5 (actuators), met in October 2017 in the offices of Rotork UK in Leeds. Subjects ...
Valveuser Issue 44

Allvalves Enjoys Consecutive Year-on-Year Growth & Adds Another Major Brand to its Offering.

Allvalves Enjoys Consecutive Year-on-Year Growth & Adds Another Major Brand to its Offering.: Now it’s their 7th year, Allvalves Online Ltd are seeing continued growth with 2017 being another successful year for the company.

Having acquired ISO 9001-2015 Quality Accreditation at the end of 2016, this has allowed Allvalves to supply into new customers and applications. ...
Valveuser Issue 44

Annual General Meeting 2017

Annual General Meeting 2017: BVAA’s Annual General Meeting was held this year on November 17th at Rookery Hall, Cheshire.

With the new format of informative presentations now firmly established, members received updates on a small selection of hugely relevant topics. ...
Valveuser Issue 44

Approvals of sealing solutions on industrial valves

Approvals of sealing solutions on industrial valves

By virtue of a policy of constant innovation, Groupe Latty, via its Research & Development department, is able to satisfy new requirements and keep ...
Valveuser Issue 44

AVA Actuators Continues its Growth & Development with New Partners around the Globe

AVA Actuators Continues its Growth & Development with New Partners around the Globe: AV Actuators has had another year of growth and development of its range of quarter turn electric actuators.

The company has now had success in various countries, some of which were contacts made during the Valve World show where the product was officially ...
Valveuser Issue 44

Bonomi Growth Leads to Opening of New UK Actuation Centre

Bonomi Growth Leads to Opening of New UK Actuation Centre

Process valve and actuator specialist Bonomi has consolidated its recent growth in the UK marketplace by expanding its actuated valve workshop and ...
Valveuser Issue 44

Business Development Group Report

Business Development Group Report: ‘I Love it When a Plan Comes Together’

Admittedly the catchphrase of Hannibal (Smith, he of the ‘A-Team,’ not the Elephants) but 2017/18 really was a very rewarding time for the BVAA’s ...
Valveuser Issue 44

BVAA Courses Certified for CPD

BVAA Courses Certified for CPD: Another benefit of enhancing your valve knowledge with the BVAA!

The CPD Certification Service recently assessed both our ‘Introduction to Control Valves’ and our ‘Introduction to Safety Valves’ courses. They ...
Valveuser Issue 44

BVAA New Members

BVAA New Members

New members this month include: NeoNickel Kingswinford Langley Alloys I.K.M Special Quality Alloys Ltd Samson Specialist Valve ...
Valveuser Issue 44

BVAA’s Technical Hot Spot

BVAA’s Technical Hot Spot: API 6DSS Subsea Pipeline Valves 3rd Edition

What is it?: API 6DSS specifies requirements for the design, manufacturing, quality control, assembly, testing, and documentation of ball, check, ...
Valveuser Issue 44

BVAA’s Technical Hot Spot

BVAA’s Technical Hot Spot: Testing of valves - Fire type-testing requirements (ISO 10497:2010) BS EN ISO 10497:2010

What is it?: This International Standard specifies fire type-testing requirements and a fire type-test method for confirming the pressure-containing ...
Valveuser Issue 44

BVAA’s Technical Hot Spot

BVAA’s Technical Hot Spot: ISO 5209:1977 General purpose industrial valves - Marking 5 Year Systematic Review

What is it?: This International Standard specifies mandatory and optional markings of general purpose industrial valves and states the manner of ...
Valveuser Issue 44

BVAA’s Technical Hot Spot

BVAA’s Technical Hot Spot: BS EN 736-3 Valves - Terminology - Part 3: Definition of terms 5 Year Systematic Review

What is it?: This European standard defines the terms and their definitions (or the source if defined in other European standards) used for several ...
Valveuser Issue 44

BVAA’s Technical Hot Spots

BVAA’s Technical Hot Spots: EN 15714-3:2009 Industrial valves - Actuators - Part 3: Pneumatic part-turn actuators for industrial valves - Basic requirements – Proposal to revise

What is it?: This European Standard provides basic requirements for pneumatic part-turn valve actuators, both double acting and single acting, used ...
Valveuser Issue 44

BVAA’s Technical Hot Spots

BVAA’s Technical Hot Spots: BS ISO 10631:2013 Metallic butterfly valves for general purposes – 5 Year Review

What is it?: This International Standard specifies requirements for design, materials (e.g. steel, cast iron, ductile iron, copper alloy), pressure/ ...
Valveuser Issue 44

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